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One Punch Man
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One Punch Man

Download Manga One Punch Man Batch Bahasa Indonesia terlengkap, One Punch Man Bahasa Indonesia.
One Punch-Man One Punch Man One-Punch Man One-Punch Man: Tek Yumruk Onepunch Man Onepunch-Man OPM Wanpanman Ванпанчмен رجل لكمة الواحدة مرد تک مشتی वान्-पन्च् म्यान् วันพันช์แมน (NED) ワンパンマン 원펀맨
Status: Ongoing Artist: Dirilis: Jun 14, 2012 Author: Tipe: Manga Chapter: 161 Diposting oleh: paru Diposting: Diperbarui pada:
Download Manga Komik manhua manhwa One Punch Man Bahasa Indonesia di Batch Manga. Jangan lupa ya untuk download manga,manhwa,manhua kesukaanmu di Batch Manga bahasa Indonesia, Download Manga Komik Manhua Manhwa Light Novel Batch PDF dan Zip Bahasa Indonesia

Sinopsis One Punch Man

After rigorously training for three years, the ordinary Saitama has gained immense strength which allows him to take out anyone and anything with just one punch. He decides to put his new skill to good use by becoming a hero. However, he quickly becomes bored with easily defeating monsters, and wants someone to give him a challenge to bring back the spark of being a hero.

Upon bearing witness to Saitama’s amazing power, Genos, a cyborg, is determined to become Saitama’s apprentice. During this time, Saitama realizes he is neither getting the recognition that he deserves nor known by the people due to him not being a part of the Hero Association. Wanting to boost his reputation, Saitama decides to have Genos register with him, in exchange for taking him in as a pupil. Together, the two begin working their way up toward becoming true heroes, hoping to find strong enemies and earn respect in the process.

OPM banyak sekali chapter yang di remake mangkanya saya upload yang b.inggris, karena yang indo urutan chapternya banyak yang kacau. Yang sudah di remake masih ada jadi bingung mana yang lama mana yang baru

Untuk Melihat list chapter per volume KLIK DISINI

Galeri One Punch Man

Lapor Link Rusak / Tidak Sesuai / Gangguan Apapun [DISINI]

Download One Punch Man


Volume 001-010 GoogleDrive Krakenfiles
Volume 011-020 GoogleDrive Krakenfiles
Volume 021-030 GoogleDrive Krakenfiles
Volume 31 (157-161) GoogleDrive Krakenfiles

Episode One Punch Man

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