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I Became The Game’s Biggest Villain

50 episodes · Manhua Ongoing Wangyou: Yinwei Tai Lang, Wo Chengle Quan Fu Gongdi! I Am The Server's Adversary! I Am The Server’s Adversary! I Became the Game's Biggest Villain I Was Too Crazy, I Became the Villain of the Entire Server! Online Game: Because I Was Too Impulsive, I Have Become the Public Enemy of the Entire Server! Wǎngyóu: Yīnwèi Tài Làng, Wǒ Chéngle Quán Fú Gōngdí! 网游:因为太浪,我成了全服公敌!

Ini adalah game yang sangat sulit. Kalau kau tidak punya kemampuan yang cukup, kau tidak akan bisa keluar dari desa!