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Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omou na

23 episodes · Manga Ongoing "Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omou na" to Yuusha Party o Tsuihou Sareta node, Outo de Kimama ni Kurashitai the Comic "Omae Gotoki ga Maou ni Kateru to Omou na" to Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta node, Outo de Kimama ni Kurashitai the Comic Bị đuổi khỏi nhóm anh hùng, tôi muốn sống tự do tự tại ở Vương đô (bản manga) Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King? Do You Think Someone Like You Could Defeat the Demon Lord? Jamais tu ne vaincras le Roi démon ! Omae Gotoki Roll Over and Die: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life With My Love and Cursed Sword 「お前ごときが魔王に勝てると思うな」と勇者パーティを追放されたので、王都で気ままに暮らしたい THE COMIC 「你这种家伙别想打赢魔王」被攻略厨踢出了勇者队伍,想在王都过上平静的生活 「就凭你也想打败魔王吗」被勇者一行所驱逐的少女要如何才能在王都过上自由的生活 「憑妳也想討伐魔王?」被勇者小隊逐出隊伍,只好在王都自在過活

According to the god Origin’s prophecy, the girl Flum was chosen to be one of the members of the party that were foretold to defeat the Demon Lord. Everyone already had achievements to their name, as well as the strength to back them up. However, only Flum did not possess any combat prowess, and all of her stats were 0 due to her rare affinity. While being constantly berated, she continued to put great efforts to be useful to the heroes.

Until one day, she was tricked by one of the party members who said that she “was not necessary anymore” and sold off to a slave trader. Flum was forced to live as a slave, locked away and barely fed. There she encountered a “cursed sword” and realized the true power of her rare affinity, “Reversal.” The girl, who acquired the power to fight, was indifferent to the Demon Lord and decided to live peacefully as an adventurer alongside a slave girl she met.

——This is a story of one girl who continued to crawl up from the very bottom in order to regain her peaceful everyday life.